The collectors’ edition D&O Diary Frisbees we have sent to interested readers have proven to be both ornamental and functional, as reflected in the latest round of readers’ pictures. And the Frisbees have once again proven to be well-travelled, to say the least. Readers will recall that in connection with The D&O Diary’s recent tenth anniversary, I offered to send out a D&O Diary Tenth Anniversary Frisbee to anyone who requested one – for free — but only if the Frisbee recipient agreed to send me back a picture of the Frisbee and a description of the circumstances in which the picture was taken. I have already published two rounds of Frisbee Photos (here and here), and now it is time for the third round.
The first picture in the third round of Frisbee pictures was sent in by Dave Garrison of Great American Insurance Company Executive Liability Division in Princeton, NJ. Dave sent in several pictures taken at Nassau Hall at Princeton University, including the picture below. Nassau Hall played an important role in the early days of this country. During the American Revolutionary War, Nassau Hall was possessed by both British and American forces and suffered considerable damage, especially during the Battle of Princeton on January 3, 1777. From July to October 1783, Princeton was the capital of the early United States and Nassau Hall hosted the entire American government. The Congress of the Confederation met in the building’s library on the second floor. At present, Nassau Hall houses Princeton University’s administrative offices, including that of the university’s president.
The second picture comes to us from Christina Codispoti of the Mergers and Acquisitions Group at Willis Towers Watson. Christina sent in this Frisbee Photo take from her firm’s offices on Liberty Street in New York City.
Our next picture was sent in by Nathan Bear of the Robbins Geller law firm, who took his Frisbee Photo at ComicCon in San Diego. Nathan reports that in this picture, Ash Williams from the cult classic Evil Dead is using his chainsaw arm to chop the disc. (This is a different scene than what I am accustomed to here in suburban Cleveland, I must say.)
Any picture gallery on The D&O Diary has to include some pictures taken outside the Unites States, and this time we have several, including one taken WAAAY outside of the United States.
The first of our overseas pictures was sent in by Arturo Luna, of Swiss Re in Paris. Arturo could have sent in a picture of Paris, but that would be too easy. Instead, he sent in the picture below taken at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam, which Arturo advises is one of his favorite cities in Europe (mine, too).
The next overseas pictures are unusual. These pictures were sent in by Gillian McPhee of the Gibson Dunn law firm in Washington, D.C. Gillian took these pictures during her recent trip to the Skeleton Coast in Namibia, which is known both for its desert and for its jagged coastline, and where a number of ships have wrecked over the past several hundred years. (These are definitely the first pictures of Namibia that I have published.)
Paul Gundy of Chubb, of the Chubb office in Manchester, U.K. sent in this great picture taken at Old Trafford in Manchester, during a cricket test match between England and Pakistan. Wielding the Frisbee in the picture is Kate Fenn, also of Chubb in Manchester. I have always wanted to go to a cricket test match; at least the Frisbee was there.
The final picture in the third round of Frisbee Photos was sent in by Donna Ferrera of Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services in New Jersey. The actual picture itself was taken at the International Space Station. As for the Frisbee in the picture, well, let’s just say that a Frisbee and spin were made for each other.
My thanks to everyone who has sent in Frisbee Photos. We still have a few Frisbees left, so if there is anyone else out there who still wants one, please let me know, we will send them out on a first-come, first-served basis. I hope to be able to publish many more Frisbee photos. If you send in a Frisbee request, please be patient as it may take us a few days to mail out the next round.
My thanks to all of this blog’s readers for their loyal support. Cheers.