frisbeeSummer has given way fall, and that means that it is time for another round of readers’ Frisbee photos, this time including a harvest of great pictures taken overseas. Readers will recall that in connection with The D&O Diary’s recent tenth anniversary, I offered to send out a D&O Diary Tenth Anniversary Frisbee to anyone who requested one – for free — but only if the Frisbee recipient agreed to send me back a picture of the Frisbee and a description of the circumstances in which the picture was taken. I have already published several rounds of Frisbee Photos (all of which can be found here), and now it is time for the next round.


Many of the pictures send in this time were taken on readers’ family summer vacations. Michael Hochkeppels of Navigators Re sent in this picture taken with his family on the New Jersey over Labor Day weekend, as Hurricane Hermine approached. Michael reports that the wind and waves were fairly dramatic, but all looks calm in this nice family portrait (owing to the presence of the Frisbee, no doubt).


michael hochkeppel jersey shore


Geoffrey Fehling of K&L Gates in Washington, D.C. sent in this picture taken at St. Michael’s, Maryland, during a family summer vacation to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. For those who may not be familiar, Maryland crabs are a local specialty and one of the great summer foods out there.


Geoffrey Fehling st michaels crabs


Kathy Arp sent in this great picture taken with the Great American Insurance Company Executive Liability Division claims attorneys. The group had gone to the Arlington International Racecourse to celebrate the Executive Liability Division’s 30th anniversary. What a great picture; I am glad the group took their D&O Diary Frisbee to their anniversary celebration.


kathy arp gaic claims attorneys arlington racecourse



Kathi Perryman of IMA in Denver sent on this picture of the IMA Risk Solutions Group (Front Row: Clarissa Delhotal; Kathi Parryman; Aundrea Evans. Back Row: Brian Sandy, Deb Ready, Will Brownlee, Dan Knowles, Max Wescoe, Brandon Friede), taken in front of the IMA offices in downtown Denver at the Union Station Plaza. The picture was taken during the firm’s annual Ping-Pong on the Plaza fundraiser for the IMA Foundation, which provides philanthropic support for the communities where the firm’s associates live and work and supports non-profits in the areas of advancing youth, education, arts, and culture.


kathi Perriman IMA


Seth Row of the Miller, Nash, Graham & Dunn law firm in Portland, Oregon, sent in this picture taken at the Suquamish Clearwater Casino & Resort on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. The photo shows a totem pole; here is Seth’s description: “The totem pole was carved from a tree over 600 years old and has transformational female-to-animal figures.  From the top the animal figures are: thunderbird; wolf (the great teacher); bear (the power of introspection); owl (silent and wise); and bear cub.  The Suquamish are the tribe of Chief Seattle to whom is attributed the quote Take only memories, leave nothing but footprints.”


seth row suquamish



Our good friend David Allen of Gen Re sent in this photo collection of the full complement of D&O Diary memorabilia, including both the D&O Diary mug and the D&O Diary Tenth Anniversary Frisbee. Dave reports that both can be found on the shelf in his office.


david allen frisbee and mug


For some reason, this round of Frisbee photos includes a number of pictures taken at major European landmarks. I like all the Frisbee photos that readers send in, but I have to say I get a particular kick out of these pictures where it is clear that the person sending in the picture has lugged the Frisbee half way around the world just to get the right Frisbee picture.


The first of these classic European Frisbee pictures was sent in by Mark Weintraub of Lockton’s Atlanta office. Mark sent in this picture of his Frisbee at Big Ben in London, where he and his wife had travelled for their 20th anniversary. (I mean, who doesn’t want to take a D&O Diary Frisbee with them when on an anniversary trip to Europe?)


mark weintraub big ben


The second of the European Frisbee photos was sent in by Matthew Matuksa of Great American, who took a Frisbee picture on the steps of Sacre Coeur in Paris.


matthew matuska sacre coeur


The next European Frisbee photo was sent in by our good friend Adriano Bastiani of Munich Re, who send in the picture taken during the Octoberfest celebration with several of his Munich Re colleagues. Adriano is on the one on the right, holding the Frisbee.


adriano bastiani october fest


Finally, Jim Carter of the Blank Rome law firm’s Washington, D.C. office took this picture at Michaelangelo’s famous statute of David, in Florence, Italy, with the Frisbee strategically placed to ensure that the picture was suitable for publication on this family-oriented site.


james carter florence david


I can’t tell you have much I enjoy all of the pictures readers have sent in. I think it is great that readers are carrying their D&O Diary Frisbees in their luggage as they travel around. I am grateful to everyone who has sent in pictures. For others who may be interested in joining the fun, it is not too late. There are still a few Frisbees left, for any who might want to try their hand at their own Frisbee photo. The remaining Frisbees are available on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as current dwindling supplies last.


Thanks to all of The D&O Diary’s loyal readers for their support. Cheers.