The D&O Diary is on assignment in Europe, with first stops last week and over the weekend in Dublin and London. Neither late January nor early February are ideal times to visit Ireland or England. However, though the weather was chilly and darkness gathered early in the afternoon, it turned out not to be a bad time to visit after all.
The first item on the travel itinerary was a short stop in the Irish capital city of Dublin. Though the primary purpose of the Dublin visit was a client meeting, we did have the chance to see some of the sights, albeit briefly, before heading off to London.

Our visit to Dublin was short and before we knew it we were off to London for the weekend. Unfortunately, the sunshine didn’t follow us to London, which at least upon our arrival was more characteristically grey and cloudy, as reflected in the picture of Buckingham Palace, below.

Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. London is always a great place but it is particularly pleasant in the sunshine.

As we enjoyed the afternoon sunshine in Regent’s Park, we found ourselves regretting that our planned visit to London was so short. We would gladly have stayed longer, but on Monday morning we were off to other destinations.