
The D&O Diary completed its European tour this week with a stop in the Bavarian city of Munich, known to the locals as München. It is always great to visit Munich but it is particularly nice this time of year. It is such a green, outdoor-oriented city and in the summer sunshine the city vibrates with life.

The primary purpose of my visit to Munich was to participate as a speaker at the Summer 2004 Technical Meeting of IntAP Reinsurance Claims Association. The meeting was held in Munich Re’s headquarters building in Munich. The overall program was interesting and covered a wide variety of topics. I was honored to be invited to speak to the group. I would like to thank Ina Ebert for inviting me to be a part of this event, and to all of the IntAP professionals who attended the event. It is always great to meet so many enthusiastic readers of The D&O Diary.

Here’s a picture taken at the IntAP event with Ina Ebert of Munich Re. Ina was the one who invited me to the event and who helped me plan and prepare for the event, as well. (Ina, sorry that the picture is not the best.)
One of the things I really enjoy about these kinds of events is that I get to meet new people. I had the pleasure of meeting these two at the speakers’ dinner the night before the event. We had a great conversation. On the left, Cathy Church of Swiss Re and on the right, Sian Purath of Clyde & Co.
With Ranier Schadel and Mattias Kandlbinder of Munich Re. Ranier and Mattias wanted to get a picture of me wearing the colors of the German team, which was playing that day against Hungary in the Euro Cup. According to Ranier, I brought the German team good luck because they won the game that night.
Another person I was happy to meet at this event is Michaela Hannemann, the Chief Underwriting Officer, Casualty, for Munich Re. She made a particular point of arranging for the two of us to meet while I was at the event, because she apparently is a big fan of The D&O Diary.
The speakers’ dinner the night before the event. The weather was great and we were able to dine outdoors. A very pleasant evening.

My visit to Munich this time was brief and I only had a short time to enjoy the city while I was there. The weather was just about perfect, although a little bit on the warm side in the afternoon.

The weather was so great in Munich while I was there that upon arrival I took a long walk in the Englischer Garten, the large park in the center of the city. I had a very pleasant walk around the Kleinhesseloher See, the large lake at the top of the park’s southern half.
I also walked around the city’s central historic district. Here’s a picture taken of the Dianatempel in the Hofgarten, which is located between the English Garden and the Residenz (the former royal palace of the Wittelsbach monarchs of Bavaria).
The Bavarian State Chancellery is located along the Eastern side of the Hofgarten.

The Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall) in Marienplatz in the center of the city’s historic district. The platz was absolutely mobbed with people while I was there.
There were numerous flags for the Euro Cup in Marienplatz, and other Euro Cup decorations around the city. The Euro Cup was taking place in Germany while I was there, with some of the games being played in Munich. There were large groups of people throughout the city sporting country themed attire in connection with the cup.