What could be more appropriate during this festive holiday season than another round of readers’ pictures of their D&O Diary mugs?
Readers will recall that in a recent post, I offered to send out a D&O Diary coffee mug to anyone who requested one – for free – but only if the mug recipient agreed to send me back a picture of the mug and a description of the circumstances in which the picture was taken. In previous posts (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here , here, here and here), I published prior rounds of readers’ pictures. I have posted the latest round of readers’ pictures below.
In our first picture, sent in by Mark Weintraub of Lockton in Atlanta, depicts what appears to be a snowman cake holding a D&O Diary mug. However, Mark reports that the snowman is not made from cake, but rather from diapers, and was created for purposes a baby shower. Proving once again that the D&O Diary mug is suitable for every occasion, including some kinds of occasions that I certainly never anticipated. (And can I just say, a snowman made of diapers?!?)
In yet another appropriate tribute to the season, Todd Richardson took this picture outside the HCC offices in Connecticut during the course of one of the many recent snowy days there.
In contrast to that snowy scene, Doug Esten of the LexisNexis Newsroom sent in this picture of his D&O Diary mug amidst a profusion of daisies. Doug reports that he took this picture in his garden in West Goshen, Pennsylvania, in mid-October.
The next mug shot was sent in by Ginny Fogg, the general counsel of Norfolk Southern. Ginny reports that the scene in the picture looks “over the Norfolk waterfront with the raised railroad bridge in the left background.”
Drew Kominos of the Denver Office of the Philadelphia Insurance Companies sent in this picture, taken in front of the City and County Building in Denver, which Drew reports is “center of life in the City.”
Our final picture in this round was sent in by Tyler Smith and Brian Magnusson of Chubb. This picture, which depicts two D&O Diary mugs and as well as a host of other treasures, was taken at Chubb’s annual “mustaches for charity” competition. Brian reports that “by growing beards/mustaches over the last month, we raised over $10,000 for poverty-stricken, school children across the country.” Good for Brian, Tyler and their Chubb colleagues. All of us here at The D&O Diary are strongly in favor of moustaches in general, and particularly in connection with charitable endeavors.
Once again, I am absolutely delighted to see the range of pictures that readers have sent it. It is so much fun receiving back readers’ mug shots. My thanks to everyone that has sent in pictures.
If there are still readers out there who would like to have a mug and have not yet ordered one, just drop me a note and I will be happy to send one along to you, as long as remaining supplies last. Just remember that if you order a mug, you have to send back a picture. Also, please be patient if you order a mug, it may be several days before we can mail out the next round of mugs.
Break in the Action: Over the next couple of weeks, The D&O Diary will be on a holiday publication schedule. We will resume our regularly publication schedule on January 6, 2014. Here’s wishing everyone a very festive and relaxing holiday season. I look forward to following up with everyone in the New Year.