On February 23, 2009, Advisen released its Report of 2008 securities litigation entitled "Securities Litigation in 2008: Implications for the D&O Market in 2009 and Beyond" (here, $ required). The Advisen Report’s numerical securities litigation analysis is directionally consistent with prior reports of the 2008 lawsuits, although the Report also contributes its own unique observations to the dialog. The Report also provides a number of specific comments about the lawsuits themselves as well as about likely future trends, including in particular reflections on the implications for D&O insurers.


Advisen’s February 26, 2009 press release describing the Report can be found here.


Largely as a result of the way it counted the lawsuits, the Advisen report concludes that securities class action lawsuits as such did not substantially increase in 2008 compared to 2007, although both years’ activity did increase compared to 2006. Pertinent to these conclusions, the Advisen Report provides a lengthy explanation of its "counting" methodology, which is helpful in understanding how Advisen’s numbers differ from those reflected in prior reports. The Advisen Report correctly notes that the phrase "securities class actions" is "increasingly inadequate for categorizing and explaining securities suits."


The Advisen Report is consistent with previous released studies in its conclusion that during 2008 securities litigation was concentrated in the financial sector. The Report notes that "fully half of securities lawsuits filed in 2008 named financial firms and their directors and officers as defendants." Specifically, the Report finds that banking, finance and insurance companies accounted for half of the securities lawsuits in 2008.


The Report stresses that the nature of many of the suits filed in 2008 differs from what may have been standard form in prior years. Many of the suits were not filed against public companies for their financial disclosures, but rather were filed against companies that structured or sold securities, and were being sued for representations about the securities themselves. The auction rate securities lawsuits are one illustration of this new category.


In addition, Advisen reports that during 2008, many of the suits were filed not as securities class action lawsuits as such, but rather in the form of lawsuits for breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, or common law torts. Many of these lawsuits were filed in state court.


The Report notes that as the economy continues to deteriorate, "at some point in 2009, the idea of ‘subprime and credit crisis’ as a category of suits will fade away as the credit crisis simply becomes ‘the economy’." Among other things, the Report speculates that the spreading economic woe could cause the growing litigation wave to spread outside the financial sector.


The deteriorating economic conditions could also lead to increased bankruptcies, a development the Advisen Report notes "almost certainly will be accompanied by an increase in securities lawsuits." The Report notes that since 1995, roughly 35 percent of large public companies (defined as having more than $250 million in assets, measured in 2008 dollars) that filed for bankruptcy were also named in securities class action lawsuits. However, in 2007 and 2008, the percentage increased to 77 percent.


The Report also notes a number of factors contributing toward escalating costs of defense, including the complexity of the cases being filed, the novelty of many of the legal theories, and the coincidence of multiple, simultaneous proceedings.


The Report reviews the implications of these developments and trends for D&O carriers. The Report also contains interesting comments from several D&O mavens, including John McCarrick, Rick Bortnick and Joe Monteleone. The Report is interesting, well-written and well-documented, and well worth reading in its entirety.


My own overview of the 2008 securities lawsuit filings can be found here.


Remember Options Backdating?: The cases from the last wave of corporate scandals still remain, although fewer and fewer or them all the time. On February 27, 2009, the parties to the Sunrise Senior Living securities lawsuit, one of the remaining options backdating related securities class actions, agreed to settle the case for $13.5 million. A copy of the stipulation of settlement can be found here.


I have added the Sunrise settlement to my running table of the options backdating related lawsuit settlements, dismissal and dismissal motion denials. The table can be accessed here.


Special thanks to Adam Savett of the Securities Litigation Watch for providing me with a copy of the Sunrise settlement stipulation.


Now I Have Seen Everything: According to a March 2, 2009 story on Bloomberg (here), former AIG Chairman and CEO Maurice "Hank" Greenberg has sued AIG alleging that "material misrepresentations and omissions" caused him to acquire AIG shares in his deferred compensation profit participation plan at an inflated value, and later to lose nearly his entire investment after AIG’s losses became known.


A March 2, 2009 Reuters story about the lawsuit (here) says that Greenberg acquired the shares on January 30, 2008, when AIG shares traded at $54.37. The company’s shares closed today at 42 cents. Greenberg seeks the difference between what he paid for the shares and what he said the shares were worth, as well as reimbursement of more than $70 million of taxes.


The defendants in the lawsuit include, in addition to the company, Greenberg’s successor as CEO, Martin Sullivan, as well Joseph Cassano, who headed AIG’s Financial Product (AIGFP) division. Both men worked for Greenberg prior to Greenberg’s departure.


I wonder if his lawsuit would be barred from coverage under AIG’s D&O insurance program (assuming for the sake of argument that it is not otherwise exhausted by prior claims)? As a former officer and director of the company, he still qualifies as an "insured" and so his lawsuit potentially at least could trigger the "insured vs. insured" exclusion typically found in most D&O policies. On the other hand, he left the company in March 2005, and so his claim might come within a coverage carve back in the exclusion, depending on how the applicable provision is worded.


If one were to assume that insurance would not be available, then defense expenses (both for the company and for the individuals, who would be indemnified by the company) would come from AIG itself, which owes the U.S. government approximately a gazillion dollars. The same would go for any uninsured settlements or judgments. I leave to others to comment on whether or not taxpayers ought to have to incur the costs associated with this lawsuit.


Perhaps pertinent to the question whether or not taxpayers should have to bear the cost of Greenberg’s lawsuit, in comments published today (here), the current AIG CEO, Edward Liddy, said that Greenberg is partially responsible for AIG’s current woes. Among other things, Liddy said "The formation of the AIGFP unit, which has literally brought us to our knees, that happened on his watch. The compensation systems that have gone astray, happened on his watch. I don’t think it’s as clean and simple as sometimes Hank would like to portray."


And Finally: This week’s Time Magazine has several interesting article about the current economic crisis, including an article highly critical of former SEC Chairman Christopher Cox, entitled "The Inside Story on the Breakdown at the SEC" (here).


In addition, this week’s issue also has a fascinating story entitled "One Bad Bond" (here), which explains how losses have compounded exponentially in connection with a CDO-cubed created in March 2007 and called Jupiter High-Grade CDO V. This poster-child of financial engineering excess was originally rated AAA, but now nearly 59% of the instrument’s investments are worthless. Among Jupiter’s investments is an interest in the Mantoloking CDO, a toxic investment vehicle about which I blogged a year ago, here.


The article is worth tracking down in its original print version, because the print version is more detailed and is accompanied by graphics that are not available online but that do a particular good job in showing how the complexity of these instruments compounded the losses as the underlying mortgages have faltered.