Among the many consequences of an increasingly global economy is that investor interest in pursuing claims for securities wrongdoing has become a more nearly universal phenomenon. While collective-style lawsuits largely had been restricted to claims in U.S. courts under U.S. law, a growing list of countries are adopting at least some elements of U.S.-style securities lawsuits. Several recent articles, discussed below, have examined these developments.
First, in a May 19, 2008 article entitled “Global Realm of Securities Class Actions” (here), John J. Clarke Jr. and Keara M. Gordon of the DLA Piper law firm suggest that as U.S. courts “more carefully define the limits” of subject matter jurisdiction for securities lawsuits brought by foreign investors, “a growing list of nations in Europe and elsewhere are adopting procedures akin to American-style class actions.”
The authors find that the recent case law trend suggests “some reluctance by U.S. federal courts to assert jurisdiction over claims of securities fraud” brought by or on behalf of foreign investors who bought their shares in foreign-domiciled companies on foreign exchanges (so-called “f-cubed” litigants, about whom I have previously written here and here). At the same time, the authors note, “a number of nations have adopted procedural mechanisms similar to U.S. class actions in several respects.” The authors specifically examine developments in Australia, Canada, England and Wales, Germany and The Netherlands.
Second, an April 25, 2008 article by Sandeep Savla of Dewey & LeBoeuf entitled “Securities Class Actions in London” (here) suggests that “companies listed on a London exchange must prepare for a wave of securities lawsuits that will increasingly be instituted in England.” Savla cites three reasons why he predicts increasing numbers of English securities lawsuits:
1. A recent English judicial decision in which the court held that a third-party could buy a litigation claim, continue to pursue and fund the litigation and retain any damages awarded. Savla suggest that this decision will incent hedge funds and others to buy and sell securities claims and then litigate the cases for a profit.
2. Apart from acquiring an entire claim, third-parties can now, as a result of other English case law developments, fund litigation in exchange for an opportunity to share in litigation proceeds. Savla believes that private equity firms, hedge funds and other financial firms will be interested in funding litigation in exchange for a large cut of the damages, and that the availability of this funding will remove some of the litigation disincentives of the English “loser pays” attorneys’ fee principles.
3. New statutory liability of misstatements and enhanced rights to bring derivative claims under the Companies Act of 2006 will, Savla asserts, “spur class actions and derivative suits.”
Third, the recent subprime and credit-related crisis may provide an important impetus to these developments. A May 21, 2008 post (here) on the Pom Talk blog (which is published by the plaintiffs’ firm of Pomerantz Hudek Block Grossman & Gross) notes that “several large European banks have been hit with considerable losses stemming from their exposure to U.S. debt,” and these banks “will likely face intense regulatory scrutiny and a wave of litigation.” Many of these suits may wind up in courts outside the U.S. – “if a U.S. court bars foreign investors from suing here, their only recourse would be to sue the banks on their home turf.”
Notwithstanding the traditional reluctance of many countries’ courts to support this type of litigation, “the severity of the subprime impact and resultant losses could prompt otherwise hesitant investors to take action.”
Clearly, a key component of the developments outside the U.S. is the question whether or not the U.S. courts will or will not exercise subject matter jurisdiction over these claims involving foreign investors. A scholarly overview of the U.S. jurisdictional issues can be found in an article in the Winter 2008 issue of the New York International Law Review entitled “Ebb and Flow: The Changing Jurisdictional Tide of Global Litigation” (here).
The article, written by Perry Granof of Chubb and Richard Hans, Samaa Haridi and Jennifer Kozar of Thacher, Profitt and Wood, examines the extend to which “defendants are increasingly seeking to avoid securities class action litigation in the United States – employing both jurisdictional and forum non conveniens arguments.” At the same time, the authors note, “several courts have expressed concern that too restrictive an approach may render U.S. courts ineffective in addressing fraud in an increasingly global securities market.”
Auction Rate Securities Lawsuit Notes: In a recent post (here), I raised questions about the flood of auction rate securities class action lawsuits that have been coming in since mid-March. (My current tally of companies named as defendants in auction rate securities lawsuits, which may be accessed here, now stands at 17.) A May 27, 2008 Bloomberg article entitled “Auction Failure Damages Face Burden of Proof Eluding Lawyers” (here) raises the possibility that the lawyers filing these lawsuits “may be unable to prove their clients lost money or collect fees themselves.”
Among other things, the Bloomberg article quotes a former SEC attorney as saying, with respect to the penalty interest rates that many of the auction rate securities are now paying, “I don’t see how you can get around the fact that, for the most part, the investors are now doing better.” To be sure, investors’ biggest grievance is not the interest rate but the fact that they can’t sell the instruments right now, about which the article quote Columbia Law School Professor John Coffee as saying “I don’t know that you can easily measure liquidity.”
A separate issue pertaining to auction rate securities is how the instruments are to be valued for balance sheet purposes in the absence of a viable marketplace to trade the securities. As I recently noted (here), this problem afflicts a number of publicly traded companies, included quite a few companies entirely outside the financial sector.
A May 27, 2008 Wall Street Journal article entitled “Auction-Rate Securities Give Firms Grief” (here) reports that “hundreds of U.S. companies still are struggling to clean up the problems caused by the auction-rate securities.” The article reports that over 400 companies hold instruments originally valued at over $30 billion, and that “while some companies have written down the value of their auction-rate holdings, many others haven’t, even though market prices have fallen substantially.”
Hat tip to the Law Blog (here) for the link to the Bloomberg article.
Updating the Options Backdating Lawsuit Count: As a result of a recent post (here) about options backdating settlements, I have had extensive communications with several individuals at NERA Economic Consulting about the total number of options backdating-related securities class action lawsuits. Based on the information NERA provided, I am revising my count of options backdating-related securities class action lawsuits from 36 to 38, by adding to the list Cyberonics (amended complaint here) and The Children’s Place Retail Stores (complaint here).
The revised list of all options backdating related lawsuits can be found here.
Special thanks to Svetlana Starykh and her colleagues at NERA for their friendly and helpful communication on this topic.
Speak Not, Memory: A May 21, 2008 article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer entitled “Beachwood Man Reports Rate Ability Not to Forget” (here) describes a Beachwood, Ohio resident with a very rare and perhaps enviable talent. (Coincidentally, Beachwood is also the location of The D&O Diary’s intergalactic headquarters.) The article reports that:
Give Rick Baron a date, any date on the calendar, and neurons start firing. He leans his head back and flips through a mental calendar. Then, in an instant, the recollections spurt out.
It’s not just that Baron remembers. He says he can’t forget.
Dates and details sear into his mind with amazing clarity, so much so that he’s being studied by researchers at the University of California-Irvine. He’s one of only three people identified so far with such phenomenal autobiographical memory.
Seemingly trivial details from his life — such as sitting for his sixth-grade picture (Oct. 10, 1968) or going on a date to Euclid’s Lakeshore Cinema to catch the forgettable movie "Problem Child" (Sept. 5, 1990) — easily flow from memory to mouth.
He delights in recalling historical events with near-encyclopedic precision. He says he remembers anything he reads, hears or sees. "Try me," he says. "Ask me anything."
When was Johnny Carson’s last show? ("An easy one — May 22, 1992.") When did militants seize the U.S. Embassy in Iran? ("You playing with me? Nov. 4, 1979.") When did former Cleveland Indian Duane Kuiper hit his only career home run? ("Aug. 29, 1977, off Steve Stone.")
"I don’t dwell on the past," said Baron, 50. "It’s just there."
At first impression, Mr. Baron, with his vast and perfect memory, seems like a truly enviable person. The frustrations of an unreliable memory are a fact of life for many of us, and are a reality that only becomes more insistent with age. The inconvenience of an occasional memory lapse usually sparks regret that we cannot remember more. Imagine how convenient it would be if we could now recall our college calculus as well as we knew it then, or we could recite procedural rules as precisely as we learned them for the bar exam.
The simple truth is that, for most of us at least, our brains are not wired to remember everything, and life would be immeasurably more difficult if we did.
In his short story, “Funes the Memorius,” Jorge Luis Borges explores these fundamental attributes of memory. In Borges’ story, Funes loses consciousness after falling from a horse. After recovering, he couldn’t forget anything he had seen or heard.
He remembered the shape of the clouds in the south at dawn on the 30th of April of 1882, and he could compare them in his recollection with the marbled grain in the design of a leather-bound book which he had seen only once…He could remember all his dreams, all his fancies. Two or three times he has reconstructed an entire day. He told me: I have more memories in myself alone than all men have had since the world was a world.
But this fabulous talent was not in the end an advantage for Funes; it was paralyzing:
I suspect that he was not very capable of thought. To think is to forget a difference, to generalize, to abstract. In the overly replete world of Funes, there were nothing but details, continuous details.
Indeed, the Plain Dealer article about Mr. Baron suggests some of the problems that a perfect memory might involve. The article reports that:
One of the others with the ability – a California woman named Jill Price, who recently released a book titled "The Woman Who Can’t Forget" – described it as paralyzing. She likened her memories to home movies playing nonstop in her head.
Baron bristles at Price’s portrayal of what he calls a gift. However, he acknowledged feeling like "an oddball" given his unusual talent.
He also described his days as "empty."
Our memories must be selective in order for us to be able to function. Our brains must sort and sift, to clear away until only what remains is that which matters. Imagine a marriage where your spouse remembered with clarity your every frailty and shortcoming. Or how hard it would be if you couldn’t put setbacks and defeats behind you, but had to remember them, eternally and perfectly. We forget our college calculus, and even the name of that girl across the classroom whose eye caught yours for that sweet and blessed instant so long ago, because we have to move on.
The process of forgetting is a kind of refinement, a distillation of the essence, that permits us to see our lives not as a crazy quilt of sights and sounds, but as a progression that has a more general meaning and purpose. If we saw all at once, we could not see the center.
And the most important thing about memory, the thing we must never forget, is …um…