One of the perennial D&O insurance coverage questions is the issue of whether or not the D&O policy provides coverage for costs incurred in responding to a subpoena, as I have discussed in prior posts (refer here and here). Increasingly these days, policies expressly address the issue through language specifying that a subpoena is a “claim” within the meaning of the policy. However, other policies do not includes this language, and even when the policy’s definition of the term “claim” expressly addresses subpoenas, other questions may arise, as discussed below.
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subpoena response costs
D&O Insurance: No Coverage for Enforcement Action Because Claim First Made When SEC Subpoena Served Before Policy Inception
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in D & O Insurance
A recurring D&O insurance coverage issue involves the question of whether or not a subpoena constitutes a claim, as I have noted on prior posts (for example, here). When this issue comes up, the dispute is usually over whether or not there is coverage under the policy for the costs of responding to the …
More About D&O Insurance Coverage for Subpoena Response Costs
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in D & O Insurance
As I have previously noted on this blog, a recurring insurance coverage issue is whether or not the costs incurred in responding to a regulatory or enforcement subpoena represent covered defense under a D&O insurance policy. In an interesting March 27, 2014 memo entitled “D&O Coverage for Subpoena Response Costs: An Emerging Consensus?” (here…