Continuing an recent downward trend, corporate and securities litigation filings during the third quarter declined, both compared to the prior quarter and compared to the third quarter last year, according a new report from Advisen, the insurance information firm. In its report, entitled “D&O Claims Trends: Q3 2014” (available here), Advisen reports that corporate
securities litigation trends
Securities Suits Hit Firms Allegedly Using Stock Promoters to Boost Share Price
On July 30, 2014, when a plaintiff shareholder filed a securities class action lawsuit against the company and certain of its directors and officers, Galectin Therapeutics became the latest company to be hit with a securities suit following press reports that the company had used a stock promotion firm to try to boost its share …
Thinking About U.S. Securities Lawsuits Against U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies
For a brief period in the 2010-2012 time frame, U.S. securities lawsuits filings against U.S.-listed Chinese companies surged as investors filed a wave of lawsuits against Chinese companies that obtained U.S.-listings by way of a merging with a publicly traded shell. The Chinese reverse merger lawsuit filing wave eventually subsided – yet filings against U.S.-listed …
First the Regulatory Investigation, Then the Securities Suit
It is nothing new for private securities litigation to follow in the wake of a company’s announcement that it is the target of an SEC investigation. Similarly, civil litigation following after a company’s announcement of the existence of an FCPA investigation is a phenomenon I have frequently noted on this blog. A number of these…
Changes in the Plaintiffs’ Class Action Bar and the Changing World of Shareholder Litigation
The changing mix of corporate and securities litigation is a recent phenomenon on which I have frequently commented on this blog. While identifying the fact of the change is relatively straightforward, explaining it is more challenging. According to a January 11, 2012 article in The Review of Securities & Commodities Regulation entitled “Shareholder Litigation…
Designing a New Playbook for the New Paradigm: Global Securities Litigation and Regulation
As a result of legal changes taking place in many countries around the world, as well as U.S. Supreme Court case law developments, questions involving the possibility of securities litigation outside the U.S. has become an increasingly high profile issue. In a guest post, Robert F. Carangelo, Paul A. Ferrillo and Catherine Y. Nowak …
NERA Releases Year-End 2011 Securities Class Action Litigation Study
During 2011, elevated levels of M&A related litigation and the surge of litigation involving U.S.-listed Chinese companies offset declining numbers of credit crisis-related lawsuits, leading to overall levels of securities class action lawsuit filings consistent with recent years, according to a annual securities litigation study of NERA Economic Consulting. NERA’s December 14, 2011 report, entitled…
A Quick Look at Class Action Securities Lawsuit Filings Through 3Q11
Securities class action lawsuit filings continued to accumulate during the third quarter of 2011, and the filing levels remain on pace for an above average year of securities class action litigation. As was the case in earlier quarters this year, the third quarter filing level was significantly buoyed by merger-related litigation and by lawsuits involving…
Securities Lawsuits “Down Sharply” According to 2009 Cornerstone Report
Securities class action lawsuit filings were "down sharply" according to the annual study of securities class action litigation released jointly today by the Stanford Law School Securities Class Action Clearinghouse and Cornerstone Research. The full report can be found here and the January 5, 2010 press release accompanying the report can be found here.…
The Securities Lawsuit “Backlog”
One of the more interesting securities class action lawsuit filing patterns that has developed as 2009 has progressed is the number of securities suits that have been filed long after the end of the purported class period cut-off date, as I have previously noted here. A November 21, 2009 National Law Journal article entitled…