securities class action lawsuit filings

According to the latest report from Cornerstone Research, the number of federal and state securities class action lawsuits filed increased in 2024 for the second year in a row, to the highest level since 2020, even though the overall number of liability actions filings under the ’33 Act declined to the lowest level in the last ten years. As discussed below, a more detailed analysis of the 2024 securities class action lawsuit filing figures suggests that the 2024 filing activity was elevated compared to both recent and longer-term historical levels. The January 29, 2025, report, which was written in conjunction with the Stanford Law School Securities Class Action Clearinghouse, and which is entitled “Securities Class Action Filings: 2024 Year in Review,” can be found here. Cornerstone Research’s January 29, 2025 press release about the report can be found here.Continue Reading Cornerstone Research: Securities Suit Filings Increased in 2024

wooden-judges-gavelLargely driven by a surge in the number of federal court merger objection class action lawsuits, the number of securities class action lawsuit filings during 2016 reached record high levels. The number of filings in 2016 accelerated as the year increased, with a significantly greater number of filings in the year’s second half, compared to the number of filings in the year’s first half.
Continue Reading 2016 Securities Lawsuit Filings Surge to Record Levels

stormIn an interesting post on his D&O Discourse blog earlier this fall (here), Doug Greene of the Lane Powell law firm raised the question whether there is a securities litigation storm brewing. Citing a number of different factors ranging from the SEC whistleblower program to changes in the plaintiffs’ bar, Greene suggested that we could be headed toward a significantly increased number of securities class action lawsuits. I agree with most of what Greene said, except for one thing. The securities litigation storm isn’t on the horizon – it is already here.
Continue Reading The Securities Litigation Storm is Already Here

gavel2The number of securities class action lawsuits filed in 2015 rose to the highest annual level in several years. As detailed below, a number of factors contributed to the increase in securities class action lawsuit filings during the year, including in particular the number of lawsuits filed against IPO companies (owing to the fact that IPO activity has been up in recent years), as well as the elevated number of lawsuits against foreign-domiciled companies.
Continue Reading U.S. Securities Class Action Lawsuit Filings in 2015 at Highest Level in Years

Largely driven by M&A-related litigation and securities suits against U.S.-listed Chinese companies, federal securities class action lawsuit filings continued to mount during the second quarter of 2011. With 48 new securities suits during the second quarter, the year-to-date total mid-way through the year stands at 105. The 2011 filings are on pace to finish the