Whether or not two or more claims are interrelated within the meaning of a D&O insurance policy is a recurring issue. The outcome of interrelatedness disputes often reflects the specific facts involved and the relevant policy language. In addition, the applicable law can also be a factor. A recent decision of the Delaware Superior Court reflects all these factors, and the case outcome at least raises the question whether the applicability of New York law to the dispute was determinative. The Court’s opinion, as updated and reissued on January 6, 2025, can be found here.Continue Reading Delaware Court, Applying NY Law, Addresses Related Claims Dispute

One of the perennial D&O insurance coverage issues is the question of whether two or more claims are or are not interrelated. Under the operation of provisions typically found in most D&O insurance policies, if two or more claims are interrelated within the meaning of the policy, they are deemed to be a single claim first made when the first of the claims was filed. This seemingly technical determination can have important implications for the determination of which of the two potentially related insurance programs applies to a claim.

These recurring issues arose in connection with a dispute over which of two potentially applicable D&O insurance programs apply to the securities class action lawsuit filed against Alexion Pharmaceuticals. Insurers in the different towers argued over whether an earlier SEC subpoena, issued to Alexion during an earlier policy period, was related to the later securities suit, which was filed during a later period. In an interesting February 15, 2024, opinion (here), Delaware Superior Court Judge Paul R. Wallace, applying Delaware law, held that, despite some overlap, the subpoena and the securities suit were not related.Continue Reading Prior SEC Subpoena and Later Securities Suit Held Not to Be Related

Bryan W. Petrilla

On March 16, 2022, the Delaware Supreme Court issued an important decision on the “relatedness” issue in the First Solar case, as I discussed in a prior post on this site, here. In the following guest post, Bryan W. Petrilla, Esq., a partner in the Stewart Smith law firm in Philadelphia, takes a look at the First Solar decision and considers its implication. I would like to thank Bryan for allowing me to publish his article as a guest post on this site. I welcome guest post submissions from responsible authors on topics of interest to this blog’s readers. Here is Bryan’s article.
Continue Reading Guest Post: Must Claims be “Fundamentally Identical” to be “Related”? The Delaware Supreme Court Weighs In  

In an interesting decision that explores the standard to be used in determining whether an earlier claim and a later claim are interrelated, the Delaware Supreme Court has affirmed a lower court ruling that a later filed opt-out action is related to a securities lawsuit earlier filed against First Solar, and therefore that the opt-out action is not covered under the D&O insurance program in place at the time the opt-out action was filed. Interestingly, the Supreme Court affirmed the lower court even though the appellate court held that the lower court had erroneously applied a “fundamentally identical” standard to the relatedness question rather than the relatedness standard defined by the policies. The Delaware Supreme Court’s March 16, 2022 opinion can be found here.
Continue Reading Del. Supreme Court: Opt-Out Action “Related” to Securities Class Action, Precluding Coverage

In the following guest, Yaminah Williams, Assistant Vice President, Hiscox USA, Alicia Garcia, Claims Counsel, Hiscox USA, Katherine Hausmann, Senior Complex Claims Specialist, Hiscox USA, Elan Kandel, Member, Bailey Cavalieri LLC and James Talbert, Associate, Bailey Cavalieri LLC, review the key 2001 D&O insurance coverage decisions. I would like to thank the authors for allowing me to publish their article as a guest post on this site. I welcome guest post submissions from responsible authors on topics of interest to this blog’s readers. Please contact me directly if you would like to submit a guest post. Here is the authors’ article.
Continue Reading Guest Post: The Year in Review: 2021 Key D&O Insurance Coverage Decisions

In a November 30, 2021 opinion (here), a Delaware Superior Court judge, applying Delaware law, held that the later investigations of the insured policyholder by two regulatory agencies were unrelated to an earlier investigation of the company by one of the agencies. In making this “relatedness” determination, the court declined to apply the “fundamentally identical” standard that some Delaware courts have applied to relatedness issues, but instead applied a “meaningful linkage” test. Because relatedness disputes are so frequent, and because Delaware’s court increasingly are becoming the forum in which insurance disputes are addressed, this court’s adoption of the revised relatedness standard court have important implications.
Continue Reading D&O Insurance: Delaware Court Applied “Meaningful Linkage” Interrelated Claims Test