On September 28, 2021, I will be participating on a panel as part of a webinar being put on by Sandpiper Partners LLC entitled “SPACs, De-SPACs, and SPAC Litigation.” The webinar, which is free, will run from 10:00 am to 1:00 p.m. EDT. I will be a panelist in the session entitled “Securities and Corporate
regulatory investigations
Guest Post: The Nuts & Bolts of SEC Investigations & Enforcement
The SEC is the primary regulatory body charged with the enforcement of the U.S. securities laws. Most insurance and legal professionals are well-aware of the agency and familiar with its regulatory role. But in an era that has been (at least up until now) characterized by heightened enforcement activity, many of those professionals may be unfamiliar with the agency’s investigative and enforcement process and protocols. In the following guest post, Ted Carleton and Tammy Yuen of the Skarzynski Black law firm and John Sikora of the Latham & Watkins law firm provides a basic outline of the SEC’s investigative and enforcement processes, reviews some recurring D&O insurance coverage issues arising from SEC investigations and enforcement actions, highlights some of the current issues at the agency, and take a look ahead at what the change in administration may mean. I would like to thank Ted, Tammy, and John for their willingness to publish their guest post on this site. I welcome guest post submissions from responsible authors on topics of interest to this blog’s readers. Please contact me directly if you would like to submit a guest post. Here is Ted, Tammy and John’s guest post.
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Many Companies’ Most Significant Regulatory Risks Are Not in Their Home Country
When Chinese regulators hit GlaxoSmithKline with a $489 million penalty last month – the largest corporate penalty ever in China – it set off alarm bells around the world. Among other things it sent out a “wake-up call for global companies that assumed that their main regulatory risk is in their home countries,” according to …
Investors File Yet Another Securities Suit in the Wake of an FCPA Investigation
There is no private right of action under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), but as I have frequently noted in prior posts, news of an anti-bribery investigation frequently is followed by a shareholder lawsuit based on allegations relating to the investigation. The latest example of this type of follow-on civil action involves the investment …
More About Follow-On Securities Litigation After Overseas Investigative Actions
In my year-end survey of corporate and securities litigation, one of the trends I noted regarding the litigation that had been filed in 2013 was the rise in lawsuit filings following in the wake of governmental investigations and regulatory actions, particularly with respect to investigations and regulatory actions outside the United States. If two…
First the Regulatory Investigation, Then the Securities Suit
It is nothing new for private securities litigation to follow in the wake of a company’s announcement that it is the target of an SEC investigation. Similarly, civil litigation following after a company’s announcement of the existence of an FCPA investigation is a phenomenon I have frequently noted on this blog. A number of these…