As readers know, issues surrounding the timeliness of notice of claim are among the most frequently litigated insurance coverage issues. Notice of claims delays occur for many reasons; sometimes, for example, the policyholder does not recognize a particular matter as constituting a claim within the meaning of the policy; sometimes there are process or communications issues that interfere with notice timeliness.

In a recent case and that touches on many of these issues, the Second Circuit, applying New York law, held that an earlier demand letter met the policy’s claim definition, and that the question of whether the provision of notice of claim on Monday morning just after the Saturday expiration of the policy was untimely must be remanded for further consideration by the district court. This case is a cautionary tale in many ways and provides an appropriate occasion to review of some of the first principles of claim notice. The Second Circuit’s August 13, 2024, Summary Order can be found here. (Hat Tip to Geoff Fehling of the Hunton Andrews Kurth law firm for his August 15, 2024 LinkedIn post about the decision, here).Continue Reading Thinking About Notice of Claim Timeliness