The D&O Diary’s swing through the Asia Pacific region continued last week with a short stop in Singapore. The same hot and steaming conditions that prevailed in Hong Kong were also in effect in Singapore, although because Singapore is only about 90 miles from the equator, the conditions were the same but more so. Singapore is a small, wealthy city state. Its geographic size is comparable to that of New York City, although Singapore’s population (about 5.8 million) is less than that of New York (about 8.9 million); Singapore’s population is larger than every U.S. city other than New York.
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PLUS Regional Symposium
PLUS Regional Professional Liability Symposia in Hong Kong and Singapore

As part of its continuing efforts to extend educational and network opportunities to professional liability insurance professionals around the world, the Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) will hosting professional liability symposia in Singapore and Hong Kong in September. The first of these two events will take place in Hong Kong on September 6, 2016. The second of the two events will take place in Singapore on September 9, 2016. For many reasons, I want to encourage as many industry professionals in these regions as possible to attend these events, as discussed further below.
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PLUS Regional Professional Liability Symposium in London, September 29, 2014
On September 29, 2014, I will be in London to participate in the Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) regional symposium. The luncheon event, which is entitled “Dangers of Long Arm Enforcement in a World WIthout Borders” will take place at Gibson Hall. I will be making a presentation at the event on the …
PLUS Regional Professional Liability Symposium in Singapore, August 21, 2014
On August 21, 2014, the Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) will be hosting a regional professional liability symposium in Singapore. This dinner event, which will be held at the Singapore Cricket Club, marks the second year that PLUS has hosted an educational and networking event in Singapore, building on its 25+ year history of hosting …