Cyber security and related privacy issues increasingly dominate the headlines. And for good reason: according to statistics cited in a recent Wall Street Journal article, cyber attacks –ranging from malicious software to denial of service attacks – increased 42% in 2012. The trend has only accelerated in 2013. As the possibility and potential scope of
network security
Smaller Companies Should Consider Cyber-Liability Insurance
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in Cyber Liability
Smaller companies increasingly are the subject of data breaches and those smaller companies “are the number-one target of cyber-espionage attackers,” according to a recent study detailed in a April 24, 2013 article entitled “Should You Consider Cyber Insurance?” (here). Smaller companies increasingly are the subject of cyber attacks due to “inadequate security…
Guest Post: Cyber Security and Data Breaches — Why Directors and Officers Should Be Concerned
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in D & O Insurance
I am pleased to publish below an article by my good friend Richard J. Bortnick (pictured left) concerning the directors’ and officers’ liability issues related to cyber security and data breaches. Rick is a Member of the Cozen O’Connor law firm and he is also the co-author of the CyberInquirer blog. This article first appeared…