Many of the toxic mortgage-backed securities that were a key part of the subprime mortgage meltdown were sold in multiple separate offerings based on the same shelf registration statement but separate prospectuses. Each separate offering included multiple securities at varying tranches of seniority and subordination. In the litigation following the subprime meltdown, defendants in suits
mortgage securities
Bank of America Announces Massive $8.5 Billion Mortgage-Backed Securities Settlement
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in Subprime Litigation
The Internet is buzzing over Bank of America’s June 29, 2011announcement (here) of its eye-popping $8.5 billion settlement to resolve “nearly all” of the repurchase claims involving legacy Countrywide-issued residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS). The company’s press release and accompanying June 29, 2011 filing on form 8-K contain a lot of information about the…
First Circuit Affirms in Part, Reverses in Part Nomura Subprime Securities Suit Dismissal
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in Securities Litigation, Subprime Litigation
As a result of the First Circuit’s January 20, 2011 opinion, the plaintiffs in the Nomura Asset Acceptance Corporation mortgage-backed securities lawsuit have managed to revive a slender portion of their case, albeit on a rather precarious basis. The First Circuit otherwise affirmed the lower court’s dismissal of the remainder of their case.