You can hardly turn on any of your various devices these days without encountering yet another hyperventilating article or program about ChatGPT or, more generally, about artificial intelligence (AI) chat bots. Time magazine recently ran a cover story about ChatGPT and the AI chat bot race. As if that were not enough to signal that ChatGPT has arrived as the social phenomenon du jour, the Wall Street Journal recently ran a long self-consciously serious op-ed column in which Henry Kissinger and two other public intellectuals called ChatGPT “a new technology [that] bids to transform the human cognitive process.” Wow! OK, then.
Despite these and many other recent signs and signals of impending doom, I was fully prepared to ignore ChatGPT and carry on with my life – that is, until one of my colleagues recently asked me whether, given that advent of ChatGPT, my days as a blogger are about to come to an end? The question, in its simplest form, is whether I am about to be replaced by a machine. If you listen to the current ChatGPT hype, it may be a question that all of us need to be asking ourselves.Continue Reading Are We All About to be Replaced by AI Chat Bots?