Daniele Favalli
Alessio Zolpi

In the following guest post, Daniele Favalli and Alessio Zolpi take a look at the availability of D&O insurance in connection with criminal proceedings in Switzerland. Daniele is an attorney admitted to the Zurich bar. He is a partner and co-head of the Dispute Resolution Team of the Zurich-based law firm VISCHER. Alessio is an attorney admitted to the Zurich bar and an associate in the Dispute Resolution Team at VISCHER. I would like to thank Daniele and Alessio for allowing me to publish their article as a guest post on this site. I welcome guest post submissions from responsible authors on topics of interest to this blog’s readers. Please contact me directly if you would like to submit a guest post. Here is Daniele and Alessio’s article.Continue Reading Guest Post: Switzerland: D&O Coverage Following Criminal Investigations

In an insurance coverage dispute arising out of an unusual underlying criminal proceeding, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, applying Maryland law, has held that a Maryland attorney indicted for his alleged actions on behalf of certain Somalian entities is not entitled to insurance for his fees incurred in defending against the indictment. The Court’s decision raises interesting issues about the applicable professional liability insurance policy’s definition of Claim and the definition’s application in the context of the attorney’s criminal proceedings. A copy of the Fourth Circuit’s January 4, 2024 opinion can be found here.Continue Reading Attorney’s Post-Indictment Defense Fees Not Covered Under Professional Liability Policy