Long-time readers of this blog will recall that in 2011, there was a rash of U.S. securities class action lawsuits filed against U.S.-listed Chinese companies. Many of these companies had obtained their U.S.-listings by way of a reverse merger with a U.S.-listed public shell. The 39 securities suits filed in 2011 against U.S.-listed Chinese companies represented 18% of all securities class action lawsuits filed in the U.S. that year. While the number of lawsuit filed against Chinese reverse-merger companies has abated since the peak in 2011, U.S. securities lawsuits continue to be filed against Chinese companies at a significant rate.
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Chinese Securities litigation
Rare Securities Suit Trial Produces Jury Verdict Against Former Longtop Financial CFO
On November 21, 2014, after a securities class action trial that lasted less than three days and after less than a day of deliberation, an eight-person jury entered a verdict holding former Longtop Financial Technologies CFO Derek Palaschuk liable for the company’s alleged misrepresentations about its financial condition. According to Nate Raymond’s November 21, 2014 …
Thinking About U.S. Securities Lawsuits Against U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies
For a brief period in the 2010-2012 time frame, U.S. securities lawsuits filings against U.S.-listed Chinese companies surged as investors filed a wave of lawsuits against Chinese companies that obtained U.S.-listings by way of a merging with a publicly traded shell. The Chinese reverse merger lawsuit filing wave eventually subsided – yet filings against U.S.-listed …
Shareholders Obtain $882 Million Default Judgment in Longtop Financial Securities Suit
During the period 2010 to 2012, plaintiffs’ lawyers rushed to file a wave of securities suits against U.S.-listed Chinese companies. In general, the cases filed as part of this wave that have reached the settlement stage have settled for relatively modest amounts. However, at least one of these cases has now resulted in an absolutely…
More About Stories We’re Following: Libor Scandal, FIRREA, Chinese Company Securities Suits
NCUA Files Libor Manipulatoin Antitrust Suit: Even though the federal judge presiding over the consolidated Libor antitrust litigation has granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss the antitrust claims, the federal credit union regulatory agency has filed a new action against Libor rate-setting banks alleging violation of the Sherman Act. As described in the National Credit…
Corruption Allegations: More Securities Suits Against U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies?
As many readers will recall, a couple of years ago there was an intense barrage of securities litigation class action lawsuit filings against U.S.-listed Chinese companies. Many of the cases involved Chinese companies that obtained their U.S. listings by way of a reverse merger with publicly traded shell, and almost all of the cases involved alleged…
Remembrance of Things Past
Back in 2009, one of the prominent securities litigation filing trends was the prevalence of “belated” securities class action lawsuit – that is, cases filed at the very end of the limitations period rather than in immediate aftermath of a stock price decline
And then in 2011, perhaps the most significant securities lawsuit filings …
Libor-Scandal Antitrust Plaintiffs Allowed to Seek Leave to Amend Their Allegations
Citing the “obvious magnitude” of the Libor-related antitrust litigation, Southern District of New York Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald has given the plaintiffs leave to attempt to amend their complaints to address the shortcomings that previously led her to grant the defendants’ motion to dismiss. Judge Buchwald granted the plaintiffs’ request for leave to file a motion…
Securities Suit Against U.S.-Listed Chinese Company Dismissed
In a January 22, 2013 opinion (here), Southern District of New York Judge J. Paul Oetken has dismissed one of the many securities class action lawsuits that were filed against U.S.-listed Chinese companies in 2011. Though the primary interest in the case may be that it involves U.S. securities suit against a Chinese…
Panel Determines U.S.-Listed Chinese Company Was a “Fraudulent Enterprise”
In what is as far as I know the first determination of liability in connection with the recent wave of litigation filed against U.S. listed Chinese companies, a Hong Kong-based arbitration panel has entered an award in favor of an investment unit of C.V. Starr of over $77 million against China MediaExpress Holdings and related…