In a post last week, I discussed a recent article by three academics in which they considered whether companies involved in securities lawsuits financially underperform after the cases are settled. The prior post provoked an unusual level of reader commentary. Among the comments posted was one from former plaintiffs’ securities class action attorney William Lerach.
Bill Lerach
Interview with the Authors of “Circle of Greed”
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in Plaintiffs' Bar, Securities Litigation
In their terrific new book "Circle of Greed: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of the Lawyer Who Brought Corporate America to Its Knees," Patrick Dillon and Carl M. Cannon detail the fascinating story of Bill Lerach, who rose to the pinnacle of his profession only to be brought down by criminal wrongdoing.
Book Review: “Circle of Greed” – The Rise and Fall of Bill Lerach
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in Plaintiffs' Bar
During his long and provocative legal career, former class action securities litigator and convicted felon Bill Lerach was a self-selected lightening rod for controversy. He taunted his foes, stalked his enemies, challenged convention, and in the process transformed himself into a larger than life figure.
And so when his legal career collapsed among revelations…