According to FDIC’s Quarterly Banking Profile, released on May 24, 2011 (refer here), the pace of bank failures slowed during the first quarter. However, both the absolute and relative number of problem institutions continued to increase, albeit at a reduced pace compared to recent quarters. The FDIC’s May 24, 2011 press release about the Quarterly Banking Profile can be found here.


During the first quarter of 2011, 26 banking institutions failed, compared to 41 in the first quarter of 2010. The total of 26 bank failures in the first quarter is the smallest quarterly number of bank failures in seven quarters.  (My prior post on the declining pace of bank closures can be found here.) A total of 43 banks have failed year to date in 2011 as of May 25, 2011.


As of the end of the first quarter 2011, there were 888 “problem institutions,” compared to 884 at the end of 2010 and 775 at the end of the first quarter 2010. The increase in the number of problem institutions during the twelve month period ending March 31, 2011 is 113, or about 14.5%. (The FDIC identifies banks as problem institutions as those that are graded a 4 or a 5 on a 1-to-5 scale as a result of “financial, operational, or managerial weaknesses that threat their continued financial viability.” The FDIC does not release the names of the individual problem institutions.)


 The increase of only four additional problem institutions since year-end 2010 represents only a slight increase in the number of problem institutions. In its press release, the FDIC noted that this increase is “the smallest increase in three and a half years.” However, the 888 problem institutions as of March 31, 2011 represent the larges number of problem institutions since March 31, 1993, when there were 928.


The number of problem institutions as a percentage of all reporting institutions has continued to increase. This is not only due to the increase in the absolute number of problem institutions but also because of the declining number of reporting institutions. The decline in the number of reporting institutions is not only due to bank failures, but also due to mergers and acquisitions.


The 888 problem institutions as of March 31, 2011 represent about 11.7% of all 7574 reporting institutions. By way of comparison, the 775 problem institutions as the end of the first quarter 2010 represented only about 9.7% of all 7,934 reporting institutions as of that date. So both the absolute and relative numbers of problem institutions has increased substantially during the 12 months ending March 31, 2011.


Though the number of problem institutions has continued to increase, the aggregate assets those problem institutions represent has decreased. Thus the 775 problem institutions as of March 31, 2010 represented assets of $431 billion, whereas the 888 problem institutions as of March 31, 2011 represented assets of $387 billion.


With all of the remaining numbers of problem institutions, there are still a lot of challenges in the banking industry. There may yet be more bank failures yet to come, perhaps many more. However, the overall message of the Quarterly Banking Profile is guardedly upbeat. The press release quotes the FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair as saying that “the industry shows signs of improvement, “ and adding that “the process of repairing bank balance sheets is well along, but is not yet complete.”


As I have noted elsewhere, the numbers of bank failures overall may be slowing, but the lawsuits involving directors and officers of failed institutions may just be ramping up – slowly