On May 20, 2010, the U.S. Senate passed the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (S. 3217) by a vote of 59 to 39. The Senate websites latest version of the Bill can be found here, and the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee’s link to the most current version can be found here. Though these may be the most current versions available they do not necessariliy represent the final text of the bill, which was substantially amended and is not yet publicly available.
The Senate Bill must now be reconciled with the financial reform legislation the House passed last December (about which refer here). The reconciliation committee will be selected this upcoming week, and the plan is to have the reconciled version available for President Obama’s signature before July 4.
The massive Senate bill weighs in a 1566 pages. It is in many important ways substantially similar to the House bill, although there are also critical differences. Among the differences is the Senate bill’s controversial provision, sponsored by Sen. Blanche Lincoln, requiring financial firms to separate derivatives trading from banking operations and even spin them off under certain circumstances.
Among other measures that were not included in the Senate bill is the amendment proposed by Senator Arlen Specter that would have legislatively overturned Stoneridge and created a private right of action for aiding and abetting securities fraud. Theoretically, the measure could be included during the reconciliation process, but that seems highly unlikely at this point. Susan Beck’s May 21, 2010 Am Law Litigation Daily article reporting on the amendment’s defeat can be found here.
Another provision not included in the Senate bill is the measure incorporated in the House version (Section 7216) to provide extraterritorial jurisdiction for securities cases involving conduct within the U.S. constituting significant steps in furtherance of the securities violation, even if the transaction occurs outside the U.S. and involves only foreign investors. This provision, if incorporated in the reconciled version of the legislation, would legislatively address the "f-cubed" securities suit raised in many cases, included the National Australia Bank case now before the U.S. Supreme Court.
On the other hand, the Senate bill, like the House version, does incorporate a number of statutory corporate governance reforms. Among other things, the Senate version provides for non-binding shareholder votes on executive compensation (Section 951). The Senate bill also includes a measure requiring clawbacks from "any current or former officer" of incentive compensation awarded in the three year period prior to a financial restatement (Section 954). The Senate bill also adds additional disclosure requirements regarding compensation and regarding employee and director hedging (Sections 952 and 955)
In addition the Senate bill also specifies rules governing director elections (Section 971), among other things mandating that in uncontested elections, directors receiving a majority of votes are deemed elected. The measure further provides that directors receiving less than a majority in an uncontested election shall resign, with the board to consider whether or not to accept the resignation.
The Senate bill also requires companies to disclose the reasons why they have or have not chosen to have the same person serve both as board chair and CEO (Section 973)
The Senate bill also adopts a number of measures under the heading of "Investor Protection and Improvements to the Regulation of Securities." Among other things, the Senate bill, like the House version, includes measures providing protection and rewards for whistleblowers who report securities law violations to the SEC (Sections 922-24). The Senate bill also creates an Investor Advisory Committee that would consult with the SEC on matters pertaining to protecting investor interests (Section 911). The Senate bill also creates an Office of Investor Advocate within the SEC (Section 914).
Of particular interest to readers of this blog, the Senate bill, like the House bill, has a number of provisions relating specifically to insurance. The Senate Bill creates an Office of National Insurance (Section 502), which is in form substantially similar to the Federal Insurance Office in the House version. Like the agency created in the House version the agency created in the Senate bill would be housed within the Treasury Department. Neither the House nor the Senate version envisions that that the new federal agency would replace state insurance regulation. Instead, the new agency would monitor the industry in order to identify systemic risks; oversee TRIA; and coordinate international insurance regulatory efforts, among other things.
The Senate bill also contains a number of other insurance-related provisions, including a section addressing reporting, payment and allocation of premium taxes (Section 521); and another section relation to the regulation of non-admitted insurance (Section 522). Yet another measure specifies streamlined non-admitted insurance procedures for certain commercial insurance buyers (Section 525)
There are many other measures of more general interest in the massive Senate bill, including "improvements" to the regulation of rating agencies (Section 931 et seq.); increased disclosure requirements in connection with municipal securities (Section 975 et seq.); the creation of a Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Section 1001 et seq.); provision for the regulation of hedge fund advisors and others (Section 401 et seq.); and the institution of regulation for swap markets (Section 721 et seq.).
Though the ultimate shape of the legislation that will be presented to President Obama remains to be seen, the likely scope of many measures is already relatively clear, as both versions of the legislation include numerous substantially similar provisions. Whether or not the provisions ultimately enacted into law will suffice to prevent future financial crisis is a separate question but there can be little doubt that the financial system is about to face some enormous changes.
It is probably worth emphasizing here, as it may be overlooked elsewhere given the other high-profile issues the legislation involves, that the reform legislation, when enacted, will entail significant federal government involvement in areas previously viewed as the province of state regulation. Specifically, both insurance and corporate governance have until recently been regarded as matters with respect to which state interests should control.
Though significant levels of regulatory responsibility will remain at the state level both for insurance and corporate governance, this reform legislation significantly increases the federal government involvement. It doesn’t seem too suspicious to conjecture that these measures represent significant milestones in what is likely to be continued growth of federal responsibility in these areas.
The bill’s provisions relating to insurance could be of practical significance for insurance professionals. I did not review the provisions at length in this post, but if they survive in some form in the final bill, I will undertake a detailed review at that time.
Rating Agencies in the Crosshairs: The financial reform bill’s provisions relating to the rating agencies represent only one of a variety of developments that is raising the heat for those firms. David Segal’s May 23, 2010 New York Times article entitled "Suddenly, the Rating Agencies Don’t Look Untouchable" (here) takes a look at the assaults the rating agencies are facing on a variety of directions, including on the litigation front.
The article makes the point that though the rating agencies are prevailing in most of the credit crisis related cases in which they have been involved, there have also been a small handful of cases that have survived initial motions to dismiss. The article makes the point that as the litigation evolves, the plaintiffs’ lawyers are learning from every decision, including the dismissals, and are refining their arguments in subsequent cases.
The author of The D&O Diary is quoted briefly toward the end of the article.
More Deepwater Horizon Securities Litigation: As I have previously noted, the Deepwater Horizon disaster has already produced significant corporate and securities litigation, including the BP shareholders derivative suit (about which refer here) and the Transocean securities class action lawsuit (refer here). Now this litigation also includes a securities class action lawsuit filed against BP and certain of its directors and officers.
On May 21, 2010, plaintiffs’ lawyers filed a securities class action lawsuit in the Western District of Louisiana against BP and nine of its directors and officers. A copy of the complaint can be found here. The case is brought on behalf of purchasers of BP’s American Depositary Receipts "based on Defendants’ repeatedassurances of BP’s safe operations, reflected in the ADR price, have seen the value of their shares plummet 20% overnight – representing about $30 billion in market capitalization – as the truth about BP’s operations has emerged."
The complaint alleges that "by touting the growth potential of its Gulf of Mexico operations… and highlighting the safety of the operations, BP convinced investors, including Plaintiffs, that BP would be able to generate tremendous growth with minimal risk." However, the plaintiffs allege, "The truth was that BP was cutting comers and reducing its spending on safety measures in an effort to maximize profits in the Gulf of Mexico."
Interestingly, the plaintiffs’ Louisiana counsel is the law firm of Domengeuax, Wright, Roy & Edwards, a Lafayette, Louisiana firm that has already been very active in pursuing Deepwater Horizon claims on behalf of commercial fisherman, shrimpers, oystermen, and charter boat operators, as well as on behalf of families of persons suffering injuries or death in the initial platform explosion, as reflected here.
Special thanks to Adam Savett of the Securities Litigation Watch blog for providing a copy of the BP complaint.
O.K., Who Invited the Actuary?: In his rambling biography of Pablo Picasso, Norman Mailer describes an opium-laced party at Le Bateau-Lavoir, Picasso’s Montmartre rooming house, where the guests included such luminaries as Guillaume Apollinaire and numerous avant- garde sculptors, painters and poets. Mailer also reports that the guests included "Maurice Princet, the actuarial mathematician for insurance companies, who would give them his own popular introduction to Einstein’s work before long."
Say what?
I mean no disrespect to my many insurance actuary friends, but even were I to have access to Picasso’s opium, I don’t think I could imagine how an actuary wound up in this particular scene. I mean, can you picture Princet trying to bring down the house with the old story about the guy "who couldn’t disprove the null hypothesis"?
In fairness, I should acknowledge that Princet was to play in important role in the later development of "cubism," and indeed has been described by one of the principal actors in the drama as the "godfather" of cubism, for having introduced Picasso to certain mathematical concepts. I don’t think I would be alone, however, in finding it startling that the cast of characters in this particular production includes an insurance actuary.