Last week (of March 29, 2010), I changed the service I use to distribute my email notifications. My hope is that this new email distribution service will provide subscribers with more timely and more reliable email notifications. In order to ensure continued receipt of email notification, subscribers will need to reconfirm their subscription.

On Monday, March 29, 2010, or within a day or two thereafter, all subscribers should have received an email from me at The D&O Diary, with instructions on how to resubscribe. This process should be relatively simple and should involve little more than clicking on al link and entering your email address. Again, all subscribers will need to resubscribe in order to continue to receive email notifications.

As you have probably noticed, I didn’t add any new content last week, while these changes were taking place, so the first email notifications from the new service will not appear until this week, of April 5, 2010.

I hope that all will go smoothly and I apologize for any inconvenience this switchover may cause. As always please let me know if you are have any difficulty with the email subscriptions or otherwise.

I look forward to communicating with readers again this week.