On February 27, 2007, plaintiffs’ lawyers’ initiated a securities class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against Swiss Reinsurance Company, the world’s largest reinsurance company, and certain of its directors and officers. A copy of the plaintiffs’ lawyers’ press release can be found here and a copy of the complaint can be found here.

The lawsuit relates to the company’s November 19, 2007 announcement (here) of a 1.2 billion Swiss Franc mark-to-market loss on the two related credit default swaps the company had issued to provide loss protection against certain asset backed securities.

According to the plaintiffs’ attorneys’ press release,

The complaint alleges that during the Class Period, defendants made false and misleading statements about the Company’s financial condition. Specifically, defendants failed to disclose that Swiss Re’s Credit Solutions unit had written two credit default swaps that exposed the Company to great financial risk. In a credit default swap, one party guarantees that a third party borrower will not default on a debt. In this case, Swiss Re guaranteed certain mortgage-backed securities which included some subprime and collateralized debt obligations. When the existence and nature of the credit default swaps was disclosed, Swiss Re’s stock price dropped from CHF97.55 to CHF87.55 (Swiss Francs) the next day.

The complaint particularly emphasizes that the November 19 announcement came just days after the company’s November 6, 2007 third quarter earnings release (here), which did not mention the credit default swap write-off but contained certain representations about the company’s exposure to subprime issues.

There are several interesting things about this lawsuit. While this is not the first lawsuit filed against companies that provided default guarantee protection to subprime securities, the prior companies to be sued in this regard have been the bond insurers whose primary business is providing default protection. As far as I know, the Swiss Re lawsuit is the first lawsuit against a company specifically linked to the issuance of credit default swaps guaranteeing against the default of subprime-related securities. There have been other companies that have announced accounting write-downs in connection with credit default swaps (see, for example, AIG’s recent announcement here), and there undoubtedly will be others – just as there undoubtedly will be other lawsuits in relating to credit default swaps issued on mortgage-backed assets.

The second interesting thing about this suit is who the plaintiff is – the plaintiff is the Plumbers’ Union Local No. 12 Pension Fund, on whose behalf the same law firm (Coughlin Stoia) previously filed a securities class action lawsuit against Nomura Asset Acceptance Corporation and related entities, as discussed in my recent post here. This union fund certainly does seem to have had some remarkably bad luck with its investments as a result of the subprime meltdown. It also seems to have a durable client-attorney relationship with the Coughlin Stoia firm.

The third interesting thing about this lawsuit is that it comes more than three months after Swiss Re’s November 19 announcement. Up to this point, the subprime related lawsuits have followed pretty closely in the wake of disclosure of subprime related accounting adjustments. The delay in filing this lawsuit suggests that the "moping up" exercise may have begun – that is, the process of going back and combing over the prospective claims that might have been missed the first time through. There certainly have been a host of companies who have made fairly significant announcements over the last few months who have not yet been sued. Their date may yet be coming.

It is interesting in another respect that this lawsuit has arisen now. The company got a boost even after write down when on January 23, 2008 it announced (here) that Berkshire Hathaway had taken a 3% interest in the company and would be taking 20% of the company’s property and casualty reinsurance business over the next five years. This seeming validation from the sage of Omaha may not have been enough to mollify at least some investors, apparently.

I have in any event added the Swiss Re case to my running tally of the subprime-related securities lawsuits, which can be found here. The addition of the Swiss Re case brings the total count of subprime securities lawsuits to 47, eight of which have been filed in 2008. As I noted above, the Swiss Re case is to the best of my knowledge the first subprime related lawsuit based on the loss in value of credit default swaps; it seems prudent to assume at this point that there will be more to come.

Everyone Remain Calm: The subprime crisis not only threatens financial losses, it apparently could also hazard a massive loss of life. According to a February 26, 2008 Financial Times article entitled "Banking Crises Shown to Trigger Heart Attack Deaths" (here), between 1,300 and 5,100 people could die if "a significant proportion of banks suffered crises similar to that at North Rock.

Cambridge University researchers studied 40 years of data from the World Bank and the World Health Organizations, and concluded that "system-wide" crises increase average deaths from heart disease an average of 6.4 percent in wealthy countries – and more in developing countries. Researchers warn that a global banking crisis "would kill tens of thousands of people by heart attacks brought on by stress and anxiety." One of the researchers noted that "containing hysteria and preventing widespread panic is important not only to stop these incidents leading to a systemic banking crisis but also to prevent thousands of heart disease deaths."

More About Subprime: Just a reminder that Mealey’s is sponsoring a Subprime-Backed Securities Litigation Conference on March 6, 2008 at the Harvard Club in New York City. The conference is to be chaired by David Grais of the Grais & Ellsworth firm. I will be speaking on the topic of "CDOs, Asset Valuation and the Subprime Litigation So Far." A copy of the conference brochure can be found here.