randwInsurance to protect against breaches of the representations and warranties provisions of mergers and acquisitions purchase agreements is an increasingly important part of many M&A transactions. Among other things, reps and warranties insurance can help facilitate the transaction by reducing the amount of the purchase price that must be set aside to provide the buyer with indemnification protection against breaches of the representations and warranties. As detailed in a March 2, 2016 Law 360 article entitled “A Buyer’s Guide to Reps and Warranties Insurance” (here, subscription required) by Wayne Bradley and Jonathan Picard of the Dentons law firm, there are certain situations in which representations and warranties insurance may be particularly appropriate.  And as detailed in a recent study from a leading insurer, claims activity suggests that a significant number of transaction do run into trouble after the deal has closed, underscoring the need for this type of insurance.
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In recent years, the uptake for M&A representations and warranties insurance has increased. Just the same, even now, the participants in the M&A transaction often do not always fully understand what they need to know about the insurance. In particular, some transaction parties don’t always appreciate why they need reps and warranties insurance protection.