As the number of Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) class actions has risen in recent years, one recurring question has been whether or not there is coverage under the defendant companies’ D&O insurance policies for these claims. The specific issue is whether or not D&O policy’s “invasion of privacy” exclusion precludes coverage for TCPA claims. In the latest ruling to address these issues, Southern District of Florida Judge Robin L. Rosenberg, applying Florida law, held that, in light of the specific allegations in the underlying TCPA action, coverage for the claim was precluded by the exclusion. Judge Rosenberg’s ruling is consistent with other rulings, but does also raise some interesting issues. Judge Rosenberg’s May 30, 2019 order can be found here. A June 7, 2019 post on the Wiley Rein law firm’s Executive Summary Blog can be found here.
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Ninth Circuit Affirms That Invasion of Privacy Exclusion Precludes D&O Insurance Coverage for TCPA Claim
As litigation under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) has proliferated in recent years, one of the recurring questions has been whether the defendants have insurance coverage for these kinds of claims. The insurance questions have in turn generated insurance coverage litigation, primarily with respect to the defendants’ CGL insurance policies, but also with respect to their D&O insurance policies as well. One closely watched recent case involved a D&O insurance dispute arising out of a TCPA claim against the Los Angeles Lakers. The district court had held that the Lakers’ D&O insurance policy did not cover the TCPA claim and the Lakers’ appealed. On August 23, 2017, in a decision that is sure to attract both attention and perhaps further skirmishing on these issues, a divided Ninth Circuit panel affirmed the district court’s holding, concluding that the invasion of privacy exclusion in the Lakers’ D&O insurance policy precluded coverage for the claim. The Ninth Circuit’s opinion can be found here.
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There’s a Reason You Are Suddenly Hearing About the TCPA Everywhere You Go
On the panel in which I participated during last week’s PLUS D&O Symposium, one of the important topics we discussed was the question of coverage under a D&O insurance policy for claims under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, a topic about which I have previously written on this blog. That a once-obscure statute like the TCPA has become an important topic of conversation is no accident. The fact is that the number of TCPA actions filed has absolutely exploded, as detailed in a recent study published by the Institute for Legal Reform, an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
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D&O Insurance: The Question of Coverage for TCPA Claims
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) has proven to be a fruitful source of consumer class action litigation. Plaintiffs’ lawyers are attracted by the potentially lucrative recoveries under the statue, and indeed several recent settlements in TCPA class action lawsuits have run into the millions of dollars. The volume of litigation under the statute and the potential damages associated with the claims has inevitably led to insurance coverage questions. In the past, defendants in TCPA lawsuits looked to their Commercial General Liability (CGL) policies for their defense of these kinds of claims. However, CGL carriers increasingly are expressly excluding coverage for TCPA lawsuits, which has led other companies seeking insurance for TCPA claims to look to other coverages for possible insurance protection, including their D&O insurance policies. As discussed below, carriers may contend that standard D&O insurance policy exclusions preclude coverage for these kinds of claims, but courts continue to sort out the issues.
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