September is here. Labor Day has come and gone. Time to put away the swim trunks, parasols, flip flops, bungee cords, ukuleles, sun screen, boomerangs, bongos, snorkels, vorpal blades, and unicycles, and get back to work. Yes, it is time to answer all those emails and return all of those phone messages. And most importantly of all, it is time to catch up on what has been happening in the world of directors’ and officers’ liability and insurance. Here is what happened while you were out.
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social media liability
Book Review: Cyber Risks, Social Media and Insurance
We live in a world in which rapidly shifting technologies and communications modalities have changed the way we interact and conduct business. These new media and means of interaction have introduced innumerable benefits and efficiencies. Unfortunately, these new alternatives have down sides; among other things, they mean new risks and even liability exposures for both individuals and companies that use them. We are all well aware of what can happen to a company that experiences a major data breach. But the new technologies and communications approaches also introduce a host of other potential business liability risks and exposures.
In the new 2015 edition of their interesting and readable book Cyber Risks, Social Media and Insurance: A Guide to Risk Assessment and Management (here), Carrie Cope, Dirk E. Ehlers and Keith W. Mandell take a comprehensive look at the new technologies and communications approaches, review the changed liability environment that these new alternatives present, analyze the current state of the insurance marketplace for these various exposures, and make some projections about what may lie ahead.
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