One of the most distinctive corporate and securities litigation trend in recent years has been the surge in M&A-related litigation, with virtually every deal attracting at least one lawsuit. This trend continued again in 2013, according to a recently updated study from Notre Dame business professor Matthew Cain and Ohio State law professor Steven Davidoff.

Are bank directors and officers sufficiently different from directors and officers of ordinary business corporations that the protections of the business judgment rule available to other directors and officers are not available to protect directors and officers of a bank? That is a question that Northern District of Georgia Judge Thomas W. Thrash, Jr. asked

Shareholder claimants seeking to pursue a misrepresentation claim under the Ontario Securities Act must obtain leave of court to proceed based on a statutory requirement that the plaintiff must show a “reasonable possibility that the action will be resolved at trial in favor of the plaintiff.” Ontario’s courts agree that this requirement sets a “low

The threat of a cybersecurity breach is unfortunately one of the ongoing business risks companies face n the current operating environment. For that reason, corporate disclosures of cyber-breach related risks have been a priority of the SEC’s Division of Corporate Finance as well as the agency’s new Chair, Mary Jo White. The agency’s developing practices

Not only have the number of 2013 filings of FDIC’s lawsuits against the former directors and officers of failed banks already exceeded any prior year’s filings, but the pace of filings in the second and third quarter this year exceed the filing rate in an any equivalent period during the prior three years, according to

Every fall, I take a step back and survey the most important current trends and developments in the world of Directors’ and Officers’ liability and D&O insurance. This year’s survey is set out below. Once again, there are a myriad of things worth watching in the world of D&O.

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The volume of misstatement-related securities litigation in Japan has “increased dramatically” since the 2004 revisions to Japanese securities laws, according to a June 2013 report from the consulting firm Alix Partners. The report, entitled “Recent Trends in Japanese Securities Litigation: 2000-2012,” can be found here. Even though misstatement-related securities suit filings in Japan were

Securities class action lawsuit filings “remained at depressed levels” during the first half of 2013 according to the latest report from Cornerstone Research and the Stanford Law School Securities Class Action Clearinghouse. The report, entitled “Securities Class Action Filings: 2013 Mid-Year Assessment,” can be found here. The organizations’ July 24, 2013 press release about

In recent years, Stanford Law School Professor Michael Klausner has led research on several critical issues involved with class action securiteis litigation and SEC enforcement actions.In the guest post below, Professor Klausner and his colleague Jason Hegland describe the two databases they have built in support of their research efforts and detail some additional findings