Forward looking statements

Is the SEC staff about to issue guidelines specifying that the safe harbor for forward looking statements does not apply to SPAC merger transactions? An April 28, 2020 exclusive report on Reuters (here) says that the SEC is considering taking the step. If the agency were to issue guidance restricting the availability of the safe harbor for SPACs, it could significantly restrict SPAC’s use of target company projections in advance of de-SPAC mergers, and even further slow the already cooling SPAC market. The SEC’s possible action is discussed further in an April 29, 2021 post on the Cooley law firms PubCo blog, here.
Continue Reading Are SEC Guidelines on SPAC Projections Ahead?

On August 24, 2018, Northern District of California Judge Charles Breyer dismissed the securities class action lawsuit pending against Tesla. Wait. What? Wasn’t that Tesla lawsuit just filed? O.K. turns out, it wasn’t that lawsuit against Tesla that was dismissed, it was a prior lawsuit. The dismissal order was entered in the lawsuit filed against the company in October 2017 alleging misrepresentations in connection with the company’s production of its Model 3 sedan, not the recent lawsuit filed against the company just a few days ago in connection with Elon Musk’s now-infamous take-private tweets. Judge Breyer, in recognition of the possible confusion about which case his order related to, said at the outset of his opinion that his ruling was in the “non-Twitter related securities action against Tesla (emphasis in the original).”  Despite the absence of a relation to Musk’s recent Twitter storm, the opinion still makes for some interesting reading. Judge Breyer’s opinion can be found here.
Continue Reading Tesla Securities Suit Dismissed – Not THAT One, the Prior One