For many years, the U.S. was the only country actively seeking to use its laws to fight corruption. However, more recently, a number of other countries have enacted their own anti-bribery laws while other countries have become more active in pursuing anti-bribery enforcement – including not only Germany, South Korea and Britain, but also Brazil
FCPA investigations
White Collar Crime-Fighting and Other Web Notes
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
In a May 27, 2011 post on the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog (here), Tom Fox has some interesting observations about the ongoing FCPA gun sting trial. (Readers will recall that this prosecution involves numerous individuals from the armaments industry who were caught up in a government sting operation that included extensive wiretaps and…
Wave of Indictments from Largest Ever FCPA Investigation: More Action Ahead?
By Kevin LaCroix on
Posted in Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Longtime readers know I have frequently argued that claims related to the enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act are a growing source of liability exposure for companies and their senior officials, a stand that has made me the subject of occasional derisive comments. One reader recently suggested to me that I am "obsessive" about…