The March 2008 collapse of Bear Stearns was, in the words of Southern District of New York Judge Robert Sweet, “an early and major event in the turmoil that has affected the financial markets and the national and world economies.” The securities class action litigation that followed the company’s collapse was among the highest profile
Bear Stearns
Should Former Directors of Failed Firms be Stigmatized?
In an August 2, 2011 post on the New York Times Dealbook blog entitled “Ex-Directors of Failed Firms Have Little to Fear”(here), Ohio State University Law Professor Steven Davidoff voices his consternation that the former directors of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers seemingly will be able to “continue their prominent careers.&rdquo…
Bear Stearns Subprime-Related Securities Suit Dismissal Denied
In a gigantic 398-page opinion dated January 19, 2011, Southern District of New York Judge Robert Sweet has denied the defendants’ motion to dismiss in the securities class action lawsuit filed in connection with the collapse of Bear Stearns. He did however grant defendants’ motions to dismiss the related shareholders’ derivative lawsuit and ERISA class…
“New Wave” Credit Crisis Lawsuit with Subprime Overtones
In a recent post (here), I described the "new wave" of credit crisis lawsuits, in which the companies involved were damaged by their exposures to other companies experiencing credit crisis losses. The latest of these new wave lawsuits to be filed involves the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, or "Farmer Mac" as it…
About Those Bear Stearns Fund Manager Indictments
Eastern cultures ascribe events to destiny, fate, or “karma.” But in our culture we demand to know who is to blame. The Zeitgeist of America’s blame culture apparently has decreed that Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin, the former Bear Stearns fund managers, are to be the first level scapegoats for the subprime crisis.
More Bear Stearns Litigation and Other Notes
In Bear Stearns’ March 16, 2008 announcement (here) of J.P. Morgan’s acquisition of the company, Alan Schwartz, Bear’s CEO, is quoted as saying that “this transaction represents the best outcome for all our constituencies based upon the current circumstances.” Apparently, a few of those constituencies take a different view.. In addition to…
Bear Stearns: The Lawsuit – And a Lawsuit Against Deutsche Bank, Too.
We knew it was coming but it sure got here fast. On March 17, 2008, plaintiffs’ counsel initiated a securities class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against Bear Stearns and certain of its directors and officers. A copy of the plaintiffs’ lawyers’ press release can…