In early January 2020, I will be publishing my annual survey of the Top Ten D&O Stories. For now, though, I know that most readers are not interested in reading about insurance or the law. So today instead of my usual fare, I am posting my favorite pictures that I took in the course of my 2019 travels. In addition, following the pictures below, I am extending an invitation to readers to send me their favorite travel pictures from this past year. As detailed below, I will publish a selection of readers’ picture submissions in future blog post(s).
I have included my Top Ten travel pics for 2019 below. The pictures are not rank ordered; instead they are in chronological order, according to the date of my travel.
For those of you keeping score at home, you probably noticed that I included more than ten pictures in my Top Ten list. It is so hard to choose!
Now that I have indulged myself in posting my favorite travel pictures of the year, I want to extend an invitation to readers to submit their own favorite travel pictures from 2019. I will publish a selection of the pictures in future post(s) on this site. I don’t know how many submissions I will actually get, but to protect against the possibility that I will receive more submissions than I can print, I must warn that I may not be able to publish all of the submitted pictures. I will publish the ones that are the most interesting and unusual pictures.
If you want to submit a picture, please send it to me in .jpeg, .jpg, or .png form. Because of the data constraints, it may be a good idea to shrink the picture before sending (otherwise it might get caught in the pipeline). Alternatively, you could send two emails, one with a full-size image and one with a reduced image, and then see which versions make it through the pipeline.
When you submit the picture, please be sure to include your name, company affiliation, the location of the picture, and any additional details about the circumstances of the picture that you might want to include.
I look forward to seeing everyone’s pictures. Happy Holidays!