subject matter jurisdiction

Editor’s Note: The corrected post is being republished to remedy an error in the prior email notification. The National Australia Bank case now awaiting decision before the United States Supreme Court raises what the Second Circuit in that same case called "the vexing question of the extraterritorial application of the [U.S.] securities laws." But while we

One consequence of the current economic crisis that has long seemed inevitable is some form of legislative overhaul of the financial regulatory system. This possibility may have taken one step toward realization with the October 1 release of a package of legislative proposals by Pennsylvania Democratic Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski, the Chairman of the

When the various broker dealers and investment banks recently announced their agreements with government regulators to buy back auction rate securities, the announcements raised questions about the continuing need for the pending auction rate securities litigation. But, at least based on a recently filed lawsuit, it now appears that the settlements may have opened the